Movement4Life employs a holistic, healing-centered approach to community gun violence interruption and reduction. Engaging the individuals with the highest probability of committing and/or experiencing community gun violence, Movement4Life utilizes mentors (with shared life experiences) to wrap participants in comprehensive and restorative support services, while building transformational 1-on-1 relationships.
Our loyal funders share the vision of safer neighborhoods, and faithfully support the work of community gun violence reduction.
Creating systemic change means taking a multifaceted approach to gun violence reduction.
Our advocates are essential partners in ensuring legislation and local policies reflect the needs of our community and ensure our work continues.
“It’s easy to view our fellows as broken and to write them off as lost causes. It requires courage, strength, and hope to believe in redemption, acknowledge our collective contribution to the problem, and commit to supporting this challenging, yet life-saving work.”
Significant and sustained reduction in community gun violence requires a comprehensive, community-based, village-style approach. Healing The Hood, an initiative through the Black Child Legacy campaign, is a well-established network of service providers, high-touch prevention programs, and crisis response teams, collectively focused on reducing juvenile homicides in Sacramento. Movement4Life is a proud partner in the Healing the Hood Network since 2018.