Complex, unhealed trauma is often the result of, and a driving force in community gun violence. So centering healing is essential for successful and sustained gun violence interruption and reduction in Sacramento.




Holistic Healing of the Culture is a comprehensive, holistic, healing-centered approach to interrupting and reducing community gun violence. Rooted in the nationally recognized Peacemaker Fellowship model from Advance Peace, our expanded approach also reflects observations and lessons learned from our work in Sacramento, including the city’s unique cyclical and retaliatory gun violence patterns.  Holistic Healing of the Culture includes a prevention component (i.e. Junior Fellowship), gender diversity in the mentoring team, expanded community support services, and a pilot program that will incentivize non-aggression/peace agreements between rival neighborhoods/groups.


The Peacemaker Fellowship targets young adults (ages 18-29), identified as the 1% most likely to commit gun violence and/or be harmed by gun violence in neighborhoods with highest incidences. Centering healing, the primary components of the model include: Street Outreach, Mentoring, *Intense Case Management, Life Skills, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and *Subsidized Employment.

Junior Fellowship

The Junior Fellowship is the prevention version of the Peacemaker Fellowship, which focuses on youth (ages 12-17) who have demonstrated a propensity to behave violently and show warning signs of becoming the next generation of shooters. Outreach extends into the local juvenile detention center.

Gender DiversiTy

The mentoring team shall include a female Motivational Mentor in each target neighborhood. Diversifying the team acknowledges the unique, yet significant role females play in driving community gun violence in Sacramento. Female mentors provide a valuable, gender-specific perspective and influence for male and female fellows.

Neighborhood Peace treaties

Agreements between one group engaged in community violence and their mentors Incentives of equal value, timeframes, benchmarks, and boundaries are established between M4L and the two groups at the center of the conflict. Benchmarks are rewarded with agreed upon incentives. After 6 months of no violence, M4L encourages representatives from the two groups to consider an official ceasefire. 


Complementary services—such as mental health support, case management, and access to education and employment—enhance M4L’s efforts by addressing the broader needs of youth and their families. Together, these services create a holistic approach to healing, safety, and community transformation.


Community gun violence adversely impacts the whole community (i.e. victims, perpetrators, the families, neighbors, business owners, etc). It creates, and is perpetuated by, individual and collective trauma; trauma that is passed from one generation to the next. Holistic Healing of the Culture seeks to interrupt this cycle of trauma and violence, by targeting those at the center, addressing the root causes, facilitating individual healing and progressively working outward to heal the family, community, and positively impact the culture.


Community Resource & Support Services

Community support services play a critical role in breaking the cycles of trauma and violence that impact youth involved in community violence. For trauma-impacted youth, toxic stress and environmental factors such as poverty, instability, and systemic inequities often create pathways to cyclical and retaliatory gun violence.

  • A Different Path provides Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Mental Health Services to both our Senior and Junior Fellowships. ADP trains M4L staff in self care, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, and workplace etiquette.

  • North State Building Industry Association provides Work Readiness Training to both our Senior and Junior Fellowship. Fellows learn skills in construction and carpentry along with basic training in preparing for job interviews and completing job applications.

  • Rose Family Creative Empowerment provides a number of continuum services for both our Senior, Junior Fellows and their families particularly housing and collaborative work with Safe Schools.

  • Reimagine Mack Road Partnership Foundation assists M4L fellows and their families with housing, life skills, and after school programming for our Junior Fellowship

  • Always Knocking/ Healing the Hood/ BCLC provides crisis response, emotional support, and real time data to our staff and the population we serve

A Pathway to Peace

“Violence is often born out of desperation. When we provide resources and support, we offer a pathway to peace.”

Bryan Stevenson

Impact the Culture ~
Impact the Community

Community gun violence is a salient aspect of the community culture in M4L targeted zones. M4L’s holistic healing approach galvanizes community members to reinforce positive messaging and lifestyle choices for high risk youth and young people. Our formula is proven to reduce gun violence in communities where gun violence is most prevalent. M4L has impacted the culture in a positive manner, creating long term peaceful resolutions to potentially deadly conflict that could’ve easily erupted into city wide gang violence.  M4L has an unmatched track record for being able to reach the most hardened, trauma-impacted, would-be victims or perpetrators of gun violence in the city Sacramento. 


Let’s build a safer future together.