Julius Thibodeuax Hasan is the Executive Director and Co-Founder of Movement4Life. After serving 23 years in prison for gun-related offenses, in 2018, Julius became the Program Manager for the pilot program, Advance Peace Sacramento, which would later become Movement4Life. Employing the holistic fellowship-based approach to gun violence reduction, Movement4Life uses Motivational Mentors with a “license to operate” (in targeted neighborhoods) to empower youth and reduce neighborhood gun violence.
Julius, a former “shooter”, heads a dynamic team of Motivational Mentors (other former shooters), all dedicated to ending cyclical and retaliatory gun violence in Sacramento. MMs are skilled at mediating conflicts in the streets as well as other settings.
Movement4Life targets youth who have the greatest probability of engaging in community gun violence as determined by their history, current gang affiliation, as well as other variables. Motivational Mentors leverage their shared life experiences to connect with, mentor, support, model, teach, and inspire the youth to make better, nonviolent choices when in conflict.
The Movement4Life strategy for violence reduction is comprehensive, and based on the Peacemaker Fellowship model. The service components include: Street Outreach, Employment Training, Intensive Case Management, Life Skills Training, Participant Support and Mental Health.
Armed with a proven program model and empowered by their own transformational experiences, Movement4Life mentors provide program fellows with the guidance, support, and tools for success that weren’t available to them in their youth.
Movement4Life also has an invaluable team of community partners, without whom our impact would be diminished. Coming from diverse backgrounds, disciplines, perspectives, and areas of focus, our community partners share our passion and committed to substantial and sustained gun violence reduction.
Sierra Health Foundation is a private philanthropy that promotes health, racial equity and racial justice.
Moms Demand Action is a grassroots movement of Americans fighting for public safety measures that can protect people from gun violence..
The ReIMAGINE Mack Road Foundation engages as a community development partner and advocate to implement initiatives addressing access to healthy food, academic support, barriers to employment, community health, and neighborhood safety.